
SEELight (South-East European Lambda Network Facility for Research and Education) projekat povezuje akademske i istraživačke centre u Srbiji i obezbeđuje im brzu Internet vezu, kao i integracije sa evropskim akademskim mrežama. Nastao je iz potrebe da se smanji tehnološki jaz među zemljama Evrope, a njihovim akademskim zajednicama obezbede što kvalitetniji komunikacioni-informacioni servisi i mreže. SEELight projekat ima za cilj da razvije regionalnu optičku mrežu u zemljama zapadnog Balkana, čime će dugoročno biti rešen problem infrastrukture akademskih mreža u regionu i njihove integracije sa evropskom akademskom mrežom GÉANT. Projekat kofinansiraju Republika Grčke kroz Plan za rekonstrukciju Balkana (HiPERB) i Vlada Republike Srbije.

Najava za tender / Contract forecast notice


Location – Republic of Serbia
1. Publication reference: HIPERB/ 404-02-19/2011-19
2. Procedure: International Restricted Tender Procedure
3. Programme: Hellenic Plan for the Economic Reconstruction of the Balkans (HiPERB)
4. Financing
– Co-financed by the Government of the Hellenic Republic in the framework of HiPERB
– Republic of Serbia co-financing
5. Contracting Authority
Ministry of Culture, Media and Information Society
Vlajkovićeva 3, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
6. Nature of contract: Global price
7. Contract description

The SEELight project supports the development of a next generation optical network infrastructure that will enable the Serbian Research and Educational community to efficiently collaborate with the other regional and international partners. In the context of this tender, the Contractor should provide network design, equipment commissioning, maintenance and support services in addition to optical transmission equipment supporting wavelength multiplexing technologies. The optical transmission equipment is expected to use the national-wide dedicated optical fibre infrastructure, which was also tendered under the HiPERB Programme.

8. Maximum budget: 2.000.000€
9. Intended timing of publication of the procurement notice: September 1st, 2011.
10. Additional information: n/a
11. Legal basis

Agreement on a five year Development Cooperation Programme 2002-2006, as it was subsequently extended to the year 2011 between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Hellenic Republic. The tender documentation and procedure reflects the bilateral agreement between the governments of the Republic of Serbia and the Hellenic Republic and is in accordance, as required, with the general context of EC External Actions procedures.

There must be a minimum period of 30 calendar days between the publication of this contract forecast and the publication of the corresponding procurement notice.
No applications or requests for information should be sent at this stage.