Sector for electronic communications and postal services

Irini Reljin
Assistant minister

In the Department for electronic communications, information society and postal services carries out activities related to: strategy for development of electronic communications; preparing proposals for establishing and managing the Government policy in the field of electronic communications;
The planning process of transition from analogue to digital radio and television programs; development strategy for the purpose of frequency range and participation in international organizations are amended applications frequency range; analyzing the development of transport networks and the convergence of broadband networks and multimedia services; conformity assessment of technical requirements for products in accordance with ratified international agreements and preparation of documents for the Law on ratification of international organizations preparing for European integration in the field of digital television, broadband applications and multimedia technologies, the assessment regulations for the development and preparation of the scientific basis for the drafting of legislation; preparing proposals laws to encourage foreign investment;
Strategy for information society development, preparation and monitoring of projects in the field of information society; participation in the implementation of public procurement information system with other bodies; development and promotion of academic and educational and research network (AMRES); preparing proposals for establishing and maintaining policy of the Government in the development of information society; measures to promote and encourage research and development of information and communication technology (ICT); use of information technology and the Internet and information services; preparation of scientific basis for the draft laws and other acts; monitor the implementation of the law governing electronic signature and the law governing electronic document; providing technical assistance in the preparation of tender documents and make preparations for the publication and implementation of competition; analyze database structure and format for the exchange of information; protection of data and information security; monitoring and analysis of the potential to support the development Information Society in the economy and state institutions;
Preparing proposals for establishing and maintaining policy of the Government in the field of postal services in the domestic and international level; cooperation and participation in international global and regional organizations in the field of postal services, measures to promote and encourage research and development of postal services; cooperation with the interdepartmental commission intention to undertake joint actions in the field of postal services; development of plans, programs, and reports on work in the field of postal services; cooperation in making comparative analyzes with other countries and cooperation with other public authorities to implement the projects, inspection and supervision, participation in the preparation of national and international plans, compliance with international standards and recommendations, as well as other activities in this area.
The Department for electronic communications, information society and postal traffic form the following internal units:
1. Department of Electronic Communications;
2. Department of Information Society;
3. Department of postal services and supervision.