Summer tourist season begins without setbacks

According to current indicators, this year’s season has begun in its usual course and without major setbacks.

Gordana Radosavljević, Assistant to the Minister for Tourism and Tourism Inspection says that the beginning of the summer tourist season followed the state of emergency and that neither travel agencies nor tourist inspection knew how this would reflect upon the travel agencies’ operations, the realization of travels concluded up to that point, the number of cancellations and the protection of the rights of travelers.

“During the first six months of the year, 145 charges against travel agencies have been submitted”, said Radosavljavić. The inspection determined that 51 of the charges are reasonable cases where the travel agencies did not fulfill all the contracted and charged services. In 22 cases the inspection determined that the agencies compensated the damaged travelers in the amount proportional to the unfulfilled services in the value of 345,484 RSD. In the remaining number of cases, the inspectors have submitted requests for initiation of an infringement procedure.

In January this year, the “Magic Tours&Travel” travel agency had its license revoked due to severe violations of the provisions of the Tourism Law at the end of 2013. Currently there are no ongoing procedures for revoking licenses.

“When a traveler purchases a travel package, he or she concludes a travel contract with the organizer of the travel who is obliged to fulfill all the obligations from the travel contract”, explained Radosavljević, adding that these are not promised but contracted (written) terms. “The traveler concluded a travel contract, and as with any other contract, for its eventual failure it is logical that the contracting parties address each other first, and then seek protection of their rights in another way”, concluded Radosavljević.