Savić: Public debate on the Law on information security to be held soon

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić said at the BISEC 2015 conference that a public debate on the draft Law on Information Security, which will closely regulate the role and responsibility of the state, economy and civil society in the field of information security, will be held soon.

Savić: Public debate on the Law on information security to be held soon

At the BISEC 2015 conference on information security, organized by the Metropolitan University for the seventh year, Savić specified that we belong to the information society which is based on knowledge and rapid exchange of information, for which geographic boundaries cease to exist, and that information and communication technology is increasingly used in everyday operations. He added that the digital economy is the fourth revolution in the history of mankind and that the digital market is growing exponentially.

The Strategy for Information Society Development in the Republic of Serbia until 2020, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, recognized the area of information security as one of six priorities of the development of the information society, said Savić.

The speakers and guests of this conference who are eminent experts in the field of information security and communication systems spoke on the topic of security of business systems, telecommunications security, mobile security platforms, smart devices and communications technologies.

The Ministry is continuously conducting competitions for non-governmental, non-profit organizations where one of the topics is child safety on the Internet thus contributing to teaching children from an early age how to act in the virtual world, said Assistant Minister for the Information Society Sava Savić.

The conference, organized by the Metropolitan University and the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) aims to connect the corporate sector, public sector and academia in the field of information and communication systems, taking into account modern standards in the aforementioned area and the latest information and communication technologies in practice.