Opened TAIEX workshop on electronic identification and electronic trust services

Assistant Minister for Information Society Mr Sava Savić has opened the TAIEX workshop, organised by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications in cooperation with the European Commission, pointing out the fact that the Republic of Serbia has made huge steps in the transition from the paper to electronic operations.

Mr Savić has presented the measures taken by the Republic of Serbia in the field of information society and future plans in this field.

The aim of the workshop which is held in Belgrade on September 8-9, is to have the exerts of the European Commission presenting their knowledge and experience to the representatives of the government and economy dealing with electronic identification and trust services, and to discuss about all the issues of importance for the implementation of the EU Regulation on Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services (Regulation eIDAS).

“Regulation eIDAS contains the solutions which are fuller and more adjusted comparing to the previously valid EU regulations, and the Republic of Serbia plans to adopt and implement those very regulations, and thus keep up with technologically developed countries”, Assistant Minister for Information Society has said.

Mr Savić has also stressed that e-business ensures that the government, economy and citizens performs tasks more quickly, efficiently and in a cheaper way, adding that electronic identification and electronic trust services (electronic signature, electronic seal, registered electronic delivery, electronic time stamp…) ensure a more reliable and mass use of new technologies.

In addition to the aforementioned, Mr Savić has presented the currently leading regulations in the field of electronic signature and electronic documents, informing the audience that the public discussion on the Draft Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services began on September 7, 2016 and will last until September 30, 2016, and that the text of the Draft Law is available at the website of the Ministry and e-Administration Portal It has been stated that the TAIEX workshop is one of the steps in the creation of the best quality text for the Draft Law.

The workshop served to the European Commission experts to present the solutions from the eIDAS Regulation, acts closely defining the issues from the regulation, and the experience of the EU Member States, and the participants and the experts discussed about all the issues of importance for the implementation of the rules in this field.

The workshop was attended by the EC experts, representatives of the working groups which created the Draft Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services, representatives of state bodies, certification bodies for issuance of qualified electronic signatures and the EC Delegation.