Milićević: Agricultural exports are four times less than the potential

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, Dragovan Milićević stated today, in Belgrade, that for years now the Serbian agricultural exports are less than one billion euros, although the potential export is about four billion euros annually, adding that due to a private initiative, our country is now beginning to emerge on foreign markets.

Opening the fair of exclusive food and beverages – “Premium Food Weekend 2013” at the “Stadium” shopping center in Voždovac, Milićević noted that we still have to import a certain amount of meat and vegetables, instead of being net exporters of these products.

“Although it is repeatedly emphasized in public that agriculture is a great development and export opportunity for Serbia, our market does not have enough meat, meat products and vegetables from local production so these food items have to be imported”, said Milićević.

“We must not forget that we import a lot food products compared to the potential of Serbia; as for our exports, we are ranked between 60 and 70 in the world when looking at the export of all food products”, added Milićević.

Serbia has been struggling for years to reach food exports of one billion euros a year, while according to expert analysis, the export potential of domestic agriculture is between 3.5 and 4 billion euros, said Milićević, noting that domestic agriculture uses barely 25 to 30 percent of its annual export potential of food products.

According to him, the poor use of the export potential of domestic agriculture is the result of the poor organization of production and the State’s attitude towards this issue, because it is hard to find a serious agricultural producer in Serbia and the State is not involved in this particular matter.

Once major food producers, who were also big exporters, are now extinct and we have become importers of these types of products, so in that aspect we must start from the beginning, noted the State Secretary.

Thanks to a private initiative, our country is slowly emerging on foreign markets with its production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and we already have recognizable brands known outside the country, such as “Nektar”, “Fresh & Co.”, “Rauch”, “Yellow Wasp” and others, said Milićević .

The fair gathered about 20 exhibitors who presented their exclusive products from the food and beverage industry. Local manufacturers offered milk products, including for example butter with almonds, premium cold cuts, pastries, juices, including those made from Aronia (Purple chokeberry), wines and fruit brandies.