Media campaign on online safety of children

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication has launched a media campaign on online safety of children and promotion of digital literacy, in line with the Regulation on Children Safety and Protection when using the Information and Communication Technologies.

The campaign “Better Internet for Children” aims at raising the level of awareness and knowledge on advantages and risks of using the Internet and the ways of safe Internet use, improving digital literacy in children, their parents, guardians and teachers, and informing the bread public on the possibility to report harmful contents on the internet to the recently established National Contact Centre for Online Safety of Children.

The media campaign realised by the educational editorial staff of the Radio Television of Serbia, started with educational videos in which public figures send messages on safe Internet use, and follows-up with feature videos speaking of the biggest online dangers, as well as of the possibility for its purposeful use.

Regarding the premiere of broadcasting feature videos in the show “That’s how it is”, at the First TRS Channel, State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić, was a guest.