IT Caravan 02 in Užice

The campaign for smart and safe use of new technologies, IT Caravan 02, of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has been presented in Užice.

In Primary School “Slobodan Sekulić”, an actor and a musician Bojan Ivković and an expert in digital communications Sanja Knežević, have performed an interactive programme for primary school pupils on curbing the digital violence, after which the inspector from the Edulab organisation held the workshop on robotics.

On this occasion the school got the education set of robots for use in teaching, given to the principle Rafajlo Jelisavčić.

IT Caravan 02 has visited Novi Pazar, Pirot, Niš, Zaječar, Kraljevo and the cities to be visited next are Čačak, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Subotica, Novi Sad, Pančevo and Sombor.
The programme is taking place at two sites – outdoors in the city centre, where the programmes of developing the IT society are held for the entire population with the online survey on internet safety, and indoors in primary schools, centres of culture and other institutions, with the presentations for primary school pupils.
The campaign is realised in 2016, and this year0s partners to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications on the project are the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Interior, organisation Save the Children for the North-West Balkans and Microsoft company.