IT Caravan 02 in Niš

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić has pointed out while visiting the campaign IT Caravan 02 in Niš that building the digital competences in the young is a priority of the programme of that Ministry.

Addressing the pupils of primary school “Stefan Nemanja” and “Učitelj Tasa”, for whom an interactive presentation on safe use of new technologies was made in the cinema “Kupina”, Ms Matić has underlined the advantage of developing of digital competences in their selection of the future profession, reminding that the City of Niš is a significant technological centre of Serbia due to its Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

“Use the Internet for learning and personal development. You need to be aware of dangers of new technologies as well as advantages, since they can help you overcome the distance between you and your peers around the world”, Ms Matić has said.

State Secretary has used the opportunity to hand the educational robot sets to the representatives of the schools, and after than a workshop was held for pupils on coding robotics in the technological centre “Share space for creative actions”

The IT Caravan is an educational campaign for development of information society, realised by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications from April 12 until May 25 in the following cities: Novi Pazar, Pirot, Niš, Zaječar, Kraljevo, Užice, Čačak, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Subotica, Novi Sad, Pančevo and Sombor.

This year the project partners are Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Interior, Save the Children Organisation for North-West Balkans and Microsoft company.
“We are glad to support the IT Caravan the second year in the row, the event which encourages a proper use of modern technologies and the Internet in education and everyday life of children. In Microsoft we believe that digital literacy and information technologies are necessary for the development and the future of children and this society, and that they should be available to everyone”, says Mr Nikola Orlić, Head of the Sector for Beneficiaries from the Public and Commercial Segment, Microsoft Serbia and Montenegro.

The campaign which was also realised in 2016 in 15 cities in Serbia for about 5000 primary school pupils, is being realised at two places, outdoor in the city centre, where programmes for development of the information society intended for the entire population are presented, and in primary schools, centres of culture and other institutions, with the interactive presentations for the pupils.