Executive Director of the World Tourism Organisation congratulates Mr Ljajić for impressive results

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has met today with the executive director of the World Tourism Organisation (UNTWO) Marcio Favilla, with whom he has discussed further steps for improving the cooperation between the institutions of the Republic of Serbia and UNWTO, which is one of the most important bodies of the United Nations.

The UNWTO Executive Director has congratulated Deputy Prime Minister Mr Rasim Ljajić for the impressive results achieved by Serbia in the field of tourism, since the annual growth of our country in this field of 10% significantly exceeds the world average which is four per cent.

Mr Favilla has added that the measures for strengthening the domestic tourism as well as the activities for attracting foreign guests, implemented by Serbia, can be a good example for other countries. He has emphasized that the UNWTO is ready to provide any type of support and assistance in order to develop wellness and spa tourism in Serbia.

Minister Ljajić has presented to Mr Favilla the most important parts of the Strategy for Tourism Development, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia earlier this week, which will make the basic guidelines for development of key tourist destinations and create preconditions for increasing the income in this sector.