An increasing number of citizens shopping online

Head of the Department for Trade, and Competition Development Željko Rakić has said at the round table “E-Trade” held within the symposium “PosTel 2016” that the percentage of citizens ordering or shopping online has increased from 24 to 31 per cent in a year.

He has said that the research conducted within the IPA project Development of e-Business in the Republic of Serbia has shown that the percentage of e-shoppers who know at least one right of e-consumers has increased from 15 to 31 per cent, adding that the percentage of e-shoppers who would recommend online shopping has increased from 87 to 90 per cent, comparing to last year.

Mr Rakić has concluded that thanks to the accelerated growth of e-Business and e-Trade Serbia will soon be equal with the EU Member States when it comes to this field.

The symposium on new technologies in postal and telecommunication services “PosTel 2016” is held on November 29 and 30, at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Belgrade, under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.