A million euros for the reconstruction of historical monuments

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Mr Rasim Ljajic has opened early today the works on the reconstruction of the memorial complex of Kadinjaca near Uzice, and has stated that such locations should be important tourist destinations in the future.

Mr Ljajic has pointed out that the project of reconstruction is funded by the line ministry with four million dinars, underlining that the works will be finished in two months.

As he has said, the Ministry will invest approximately one million euros for the reconstruction of various historical monuments which have a tourist value for Serbia.

Speaking of the cultural, historical and tourist aspect of Kadinjaca, he has said that we should remind of the antifascist tradition of our country more often, which means to increase the number of school excursions to such locations.

It is of great importance that such complexes, like Kadinjaca, become top tourist destinations, places where new values are to be created. This is why it is necessary to invest more in them, to expand the contents so that the tourists, in particular the young, would be motivated to visit them, Mr Ljajic has stated.

He has also added that the Ministry is ready to keep providing the assistance to Uzice, the Kadinjaca complex and the museum, and to support all good projects which will be profitable.

Deputy Prime Minister has stressed that tourist agencies, after the announcement of the state of emergency in Turkey, are obliged to return most of the funds to the tourists who cancel their arrangements, and it is up to the tourists to decide if they want to travel to that country or not.

If a passenger cancels the trip, he or she will have the grounds for the return of most of the funds, excluding those actual costs the agency had. Those grounds are now acquired by the announcement of the state of emergency, and it is definitely up to the tourist to decide if they want to visit Turkey or not.

He has explained that as long as a state of emergency in a country is not announced, tourist agencies are not liable to return the money from the paid arrangements.

Mr Ljajic has reminded that all those who have already gone and those planning to go, can contact the line service and ask for advice.

According to what he has said, the situation is monitored and the representatives of the line ministry are in contact with the agencies and passengers, and will timely make the necessary decisions.