Strengthening cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia Rasim Ljajić, and the Minister of Economy and Industry of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev signed today, at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade, the protocol of the joint meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation.

The ministers who chaired today’s meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission for Trade and Economic Cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan stressed that, in the upcoming period, special attention will be focused on the development of cooperation in areas such as energy, agriculture, industry, telecommunications, transport and tourism.

“Our relations are now at the level of strategic partnership. So far we have signed 20 bilateral agreements that form the basis for further cooperation in various fields, so we have all the political and legal preconditions to maintain our economic relations at the highest level”, said Minister Rasim Ljajić.

He called on Azerbaijani investors to invest money in the Serbian economy, and thus to get involved in the process of its privatization.

As one of the positive examples of previous cooperation, Ljajić and Mustafayev recalled the donation of Azerbaijan for the construction of a highway from Ljig to Preljina, on Corridor 11, where a firm from Azerbaijan is participating as the main contractor.