Ljajić: Mr Vučić’s visit to Moscow has a great economic significance

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Rasim Ljajić has assessed that today’s visit of Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić to the Russian Federation, apart from the political, has a great significance in terms of increasing the foreign trade in goods and ensures a larger inflow of Russian investment. In addition to that, Mr Ljajić has said that the visit has a concrete significance for two important fields.

“As the first thing, this visit gives a new impulse to the negotiation on concluding the free-trade agreement between the Eurasian Union and Serbia. It means that the agreement could be made and signed this year”, Mr Ljajić told to Tanjug.

He has added that Serbia’s interest is to first maintain the existing foreign trade regime with Russia and the Eurasian Union, where 99 per cent of the products are on the customs-free regime, and then to expand it, primarily to “Fiat” cars, some types of chees, raw meat, sugar and cigarettes.

“On the other side, Mr Vučić’s visit to Moscow and the talks with Mr Putin correspond to the effort of the Serbian Government to attract a large number of Russian tourists and make the Russian Federation one of the ten largest outbound markets again”, Deputy PM of Serbia has stated.

Mr Ljajić says that the Tourism Organisation of Serbia implements an intensive campaign through social networks, and in printed and electronic media in the Russian Federation and an increased interest of tourists in coming to Serbia is obvious.

“What is particularly interesting for the tourists from Russia are the cultural routes, health and sport tourism, and young tourists from Russia tend to show their growing interest in coming to the EXIT festival and other fun events”, Mr Ljajić has said, expressing his expectations that we will see the fruits of PM’s visit to the Russian Federation very soon.