Nikčević opened a seminar on “Export control of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods”

State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Stevan Nikčević opened the regular annual seminar for the economy of the Republic of Serbia entitled “Export Control of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods”, which was held on May 27, 2015, in Sava Center in Belgrade.

Никчевић отворио семинар „Контрола извоза НВО и робе двоструке намене“

The organization of the seminar was supported by the US Embassy in Belgrade, and was attended by the military attaché of that country in Serbia, Colonel Taft Blackburn. In addition to the representatives of relevant state institutions, the seminar was attended by 120 participants from 88 companies. During the seminar, the by-laws for the implementation of the Law on the export and import of weapons and military equipment, and the Law on the export and import of dual-use goods were presented, as well as the concrete results of their application from the date of entry into force. The representative of the Ministry of Finance – Customs Administration –presented the process of export and import of goods, while the representative of the Ministry of Interior presented the procedure of issuing licenses for transport and transit of goods.

It was concluded that it is necessary to continue with holding such seminars, as they are a good opportunity for close communication with the industry, where all concrete problems can be summarized, doubts clarified and cooperation improved.