Vasiljević: No major problems when importing IT equipment

Assistant Minister for electronic communications, information society and postal services in the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Nebojša Vasiljević said at a panel discussion on “Importing IT equipment and legislation in Serbia” at the Hyatt Hotel, that there have been no major problems recently when it comes to importing IT equipment.

He recalled that in June last year there was a problem on the border because of a change in the regime of import of IT equipment and that the Ministry issued urgent instructions to the Customs Administration which bridged most of the problems.

Stressing the need for a certain level of control of equipment that emits any kind of electromagnetic radiation, Vasiljević stated that there are two bodies which issue documents for R&TT equipment – the Republic Agency for Electronic Communications RATEL and a quality company from Niš.

Anyone who is certified for Europe, may submit the documentation and laboratory measurements here without repeating the whole process, rather an authorized body will assess the documentation and issue a certificate, explained Vasiljević.

Head of the ICT Association at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Jelena Jovanović recalled that the IT market in 2008 was valued at 560 million euros, while according to estimates in 2013 it was valued at about 410 million, which is a drop of more than 150 million euros.

According to her, the 12% increase in VAT will generate nine million euros for the state if the level of sales remains as it was in 2013, while the increase in environmental taxes will generate 1.5 million euros more for the competent ministry.

Also, all companies estimate that payment for certificates including the Certificate of Conformity will cost more than one million euros.