Using education against dangerous internet “games“

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has stated that education and prevention are key factors in curbing the abuse of new technologies, especially when it comes to children and the young.

Едукацијом против опасних интернет „игара“

Regarding the media statements and warnings of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia on presence of allegedly dangerous internet “game challenge” in the region, known as “a blue whale”, State Secretary has confirmed that such a phenomenon has not been reported to the National contact centre for online safety of children, and invited the citizens, as well as children, to address that centre in order to obtain advice on potentially dangerous situations when using the new technologies, and if necessary to report any kind of abuse and bullying.

“From the start of the operation of the National contact centre, on February 27, 2017, we have had 1528 calls, and most frequently asked questions referred to safe use of social networks and how to install parent control. It means that citizens are aware of the need to protect their children online”, Ms Matić has said, underlining there were reports on cases of online abuse, with elements of criminal acts and digital violence, forwarded to the competent institutions, but with no so called “challenge games” among them.

The phone number of the National contact centre for online safety of children is 19833, the calls are free and the questions and reports can be made electronically as well, outside working hours, through the web site or mail .