The Register of Real Estate Brokers is now available on the webpage of the Ministry of Trade

Starting today, The Register of Real Estate Brokers, which contains data on brokerage companies and entrepreneurs is available to all citizens on the official website of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications (
The Register, which was prepared and published within the statutory period, provides information about brokerage companies and their employees who passed the expert exam for the provision of real estate brokerage services.
Senior Adviser at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Željko Stojanović said that the introduction of the Register provides a higher degree of legal certainty for users of real estate brokerage services, stronger competitiveness in this important service activity and significantly reduces the possibility of illegal brokerage activities.
The application for registration of brokers is open. The Ministry shall, within 30 days of submission of the request to be entered into the Register, issue a decision and enter the broker into the Register. It is expected that all eligible brokers shall be entered into the Register by the end of May 2015.
For any questions or suggestions regarding the Register of Real Estate Brokers, please contact us by phone: 011/3110470 (weekdays, from 9 to 14 hours), or by email и ana.gemalј