The “Balkan Textile” fair in Novi Pazar opens new perspectives for the textile industry

At the opening of the textile fair in Novi Pazar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić said that Serbia must increase economic exchange with Turkey to one billion euros, and that that is a realistic goal because Serbia and Turkey have not used their potential yet.

He said that the third international “Balkan Textile” fair opens new perspectives not only in the textile industry, but also in the economic relations between the two countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić said that Novi Pazar should once again become the textile center of Serbia, because of its high-quality skilled workforce, and its tradition of over 20 years.

We need to invest in new technologies, but also prevent illegal trade, said Ljajić and added that Serbia wants a legal textile market.

“We want the Turkish companies participating in the fair not only to sell their products, but also to open factories here and it is upon us to encourage them to do so” said Ljajić, greeting the owner of the Turkish company “Jeans”, which has already opened a large factory in Leskovac, and wants to invest in Novi Pazar.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of Turkey to Serbia Mehmet Kemal Bozay, who said that his country has always wanted and still wants good cooperation with Serbia.

Most important is the cooperation of economies and that is why we want you to be a bridge of cooperation with the Turkish economy. As your friend and the representative of Turkey, I want for Novi Pazar to be a European Novi Pazar, said Bozay.

The ambassador said that 30 exhibitors from Turkey are present at the fair, and noted that Turkish companies which are keen to invest make their decision based on three segments – security, finance and where to invest.

Stressing the significance of holding such a fair in Novi Pazar, as it helps local entrepreneurs and textile manufacturers, Mayor Meho Mahmutović said that the priorities in that region will be the economy, investments and job creation.

The director of the Turkish company “Meridian” Oguz Yalcin said that the fair serves as an opportunity not only for textile manufacturers from Turkey to present themselves, but also to attract potential investors who will, he hopes, take an interest in investing in Novi Pazar in Serbia.

Fairs are a great opportunity for textile manufacturers to take a step forward when it comes to textile production and export to the EU, said Yalcin, and urged the Serbian producers to cooperate with companies from Turkey and thus create jobs.

26 exhibitors of raw materials necessary for the textile and furniture industries from Serbia and Turkey are participating in this year’s “Balkan Textile” fair.