Society attractive to young software developers

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Ms Tatjana Matić has said that she expects the reforms of education, as one of the priorities of the Serbian Government, will create a developed information society where the young software developers would like to stay, and which will be also attractive to young talents from other countries.

In the ceremonial opening of the finals of the international competition in the field of software development for secondary school pupils and students, organised by the Microsoft Development Centre Serbia, the State Secretary has stressed the Ministry competent for the information society supports such initiatives contributing to the development of capacities of the young in line with the needs of the present time.

“Through our programmes we take care of the talents for informatics through the support in various competitions in the field of computer science and software development, also with the aim to encourage the young to have a stronger participation in the profession of the future. In that mission we see Microsoft as one of our partners in the field of IT education, with which we have realised projects contributing to raising the level of digital literacy and development of digital and information competences”, Ms Tatjana Matić has stated.

She has also reminded that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, jointly with the Ministry of Education and the Microsoft company, has recently realised the first IT caravan, when in the period from April to June this year, advantages of new technologies and safe internet use were promoted in schools in 15 cities in Serbia.

“Interest in software development demonstrated by the young encouraged us to realise another IT caravan this school year as well, with the special programs in informatics and robotics”, State Secretary Tatjana Matić has announced.

The finals of the ninth international competition in software development “Bubble Cap”, held by the StartIT Centre in Belgrade, were participated by 60 secondary school pupils and students from nine countries from Europe and the region, divided into 20 teams. This year Serbia was presented by the record of eight teams, and the finals gathered the young from Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Russia and England.