Serbia is becoming a serious touristic destination

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has attended early today an event of promotion campaign “Explore Serbia – perfect holiday at your fingertips” and used the occasion to stress that in the first months of this year the number of foreign tourists has been increased by 15 per cent.

Mr Ljajić has said that Serbia is one of rare countries which continuously has the two-figure growth of the number of foreign tourists, estimating that there are a lot yet to be done, in the field of marketing and promotion of touristic infrastructure, in order to have even better results in this field.

We are becoming a serious touristic destination, he says, underlining that this year will be impressive when it comes to the income from tourism, both domestic and foreign.

Serbia is becoming a serious touristic destination

As he has stressed, Serbia has no financial, staff and organisational capacities to use all touristic capacities equally.

At the same time, he has said that 65.000 vouchers have been issued so fay for holidays in our country.

According to his words, for whole year the plan was to have 60.000 vouchers, so additional funds have been allocated from the budget reserves to further encourage the project of development of domestic tourism through vouchers distribution.

Mr Ljajić has explained that the plan is to have this action until October 15, estimating that the total number of 80.000 vouchers for which funds have been allocated will be used in August.

This action has created a huge contribution to the development of domestic tourism, since in the previous two years we have had a significant increase in the number of domestic tourists thanks to this action with vouchers, explained Deputy Prime Minister.

Director of the Tourism Organisation of Serbia (TOS) Marija Labović has mentioned that this organisation, for the third consecutive year, has organised the promotional campaign for domestic tourists, under the slogan “Explore Serbia – perfect holiday at your fingertips”.

Campaign, launched two months ago, is expanded to the countries in the region, since those are countries from where the largest number of tourists come to Serbia, she said, adding that this campaign is a mixture of all types of advertising, as well as the presentations at squares throughout Serbia – in Niš, Novi Sad, Čačak, and Belgrade.

The campaign “Explore Serbia – perfect holiday at your fingertips”, in order to promote domestic touristic offers, has been organised by the Tourism Organisation of Serbia (TOS).