Savić: It is important to prepare for Industry 4.0

The round table “Development of 4.0 industry in Serbia” was held with the aim to review the possibilities and development needs, obstacles and problems, as well as the impact and consequences of the fourth industrial revolution brought by digitalization and integration of all production processes. The gathering was organized by the Information Association of Serbia in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Assistant Minister for Information Society Sava Savić said on this occasion that the export of domestic software and IT services has greatly exceeded the export of certain products from agriculture and automotive industry. He added that the value of IT exports in 2015 was over 580 million euros with a growth rate of over 25 percent, and the growth of electronic commerce on an annual level was around 28 percent.

Савић: Важно је да се припремимо за Индустрију 4.0

“What is happening now is a new phenomenon – the digital transformation of not only the way of business, but also the way of life of the citizens,” said Savić.

Assistant Minister noted that the Ministry has a number of programs that are aimed at the development of this industry in Serbia.

“First and foremost is the development of digital infrastructure and the aim is to allow access of economy to the infrastructure. We are currently working on the development of broadband Internet and e-business. Digitalization of TV has also enabled and accelerated the development of fourth generation mobile networks, which represents a segment of the basic infrastructure when it comes to industry 4.0,” said Savić.

“With a view to developing Industry 4.0 in the best and fastest way in Serbia, it is necessary to adopt smart regulatory solutions for smart industry, said Assistant Minister for Information Society.

Sava Savić pointed out that in January this year the Law on Information Security was adopted, which regulates the measures of protection in ICT systems and the liability of legal persons in the management and use of ICT systems, which will regulate responsibility and increase the security of autonomous systems, and therefore the security of data and telecommunication networks.

In addition to this Law, Assistant Minister announced that public hearings on the Draft law on electronic identification and services of confidence in electronic commerce would take place next month. Passing this law is of great importance for the establishment of digital business ecosystems and the development of electronic method of working.

He stressed that the development of digital skills and new IT staff is very important in order to prepare for the digital revolution and benefit from it. The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications aims to enable the development of digital skills in all areas of education and science, as this is the basis for development and improvement in the digital age, but also a condition for getting a job.

Sava Savić also announced that the aim of the Ministry is that all schools are equipped with high speed Internet by the end of the year, and that the youngest generations are familiar with all the benefits of information and communication technologies as well as the risks they may encounter on the Internet.

“It is important to prepare for industry 4.0. If we do not change as things are changing around us, we will not be competitive enough,” said Savić.

The round table on this subject was also attended by Mihailo Vesović, Center for Innovation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, prof. dr Petar Petrović, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, dr Aleksandar Rodić, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Marko Nikolić, “Siemens” Serbia, Nebojša Atanacković, Union of Employers, Darko Mandić, Hemofarm AD and Maja Pejčić, Serbian Development Agency.

“Industry 4.0” – the so called fourth industrial revolution, i.e. digitalization of industry – has been a key issue for Europe for at least three years as Europe is looking for ways in which the economy of the member states of the EU could be more competitive in global markets in the future.