Safer Internet Day – “Let’s create a better Internet together”

This year’s Safer Internet Day will be celebrated worldwide on February 11, and the theme for the day is: “Let’s create a better Internet together”.

The Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications together with the Serbian Safer Internet Center will celebrate this day with the aim of promoting safe and responsible use of new technologies and the Internet, especially among children and young people. The central event of the Safer Internet Day will be a conference entitled “Let’s create a better Internet together” which will be held on Tuesday, February 11, at 12h, at the House of the National Assembly of Serbia.

Through dialogue with all stakeholders, the Safer Internet Day presents a unique opportunity to focus on the positive aspects of the Internet, but also on the role and responsibility that we all have in the common creation of a better Internet for children and future generations.

Certain activities will mark this day on a global level. Last year’s Safer Internet Day was celebrated by over 100 countries around the world, including Serbia, which is active in this field since 2009 with its “Click safely” project. The number of participants in the Safer Internet Day in 2013 was over one million children, parents and professionals from around the world.