Public competition for granting funds for programmes in the field of information society development

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is making a public call for all interested associations, foundations and legacies, having the status of a non-government organisation, tu submit programme proposals for co-financing by the funds allocated from the budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2017.

The programme should contribute to achieving general objectives in the field of development of information society on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

Subject of the competition is funds granting for programmes in the field of development of information society, i.e. in the field of retraining and additional training of women in IT.

The maximum amount to be granted per programme proposal is dinars.

Public competition defines that the programme proposal should be submitted in a defined form, in Serbian, and must be written on a PC. Project proposals written by hand or typewriter, and those not written on the defined form, shall not be taken into consideration.

Deadline for submitting the programme proposals is May 5, 2017. Timely shall be those programme proposals submitted within the mentioned period only.

Programme proposals submitted after the expiry of the deadline shall be considered untimely, and shall not be taken into consideration.

A programme proposal and documentation shall be submitted to the reception desk of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Sector for Information Society, at the address: Belgrade, Nemanjina 22-26, in a closed envelope, only through post as a registered mail, or courier service, or personally.

All defined forms shall be submitted in one original copy verified by an authorised person, one printed photocopy and electronic version with all annexes only on a CD or DVD.

The envelope should carry a full name and address of the sender, name of the programme proposal and the following text: “FOR COMPETITION – DO NOT OPEN”.

The remaining rules of the competition, forms and full instruction and additional information for applicants, can be found in the following documents:

Образац 1- Предлог програма преквалификација жена
53.7 KB
293 Преузимања

Образац 2-  Табеларни буџет програма
26.6 KB
221 Преузимања

Образац 3- Предлед програма
17.0 KB
210 Преузимања

Образац 4-  Програм обуке
18.1 KB
230 Преузимања

Прилог 1- Упуство за састављање буџета програма
286.9 KB
229 Преузимања