Public call for participation in the programme of support to the organisation of conferences and other events contributing to the promotion and popularisation of electronic communications and information and communication technologies

Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is making a Public Call for interested associations, foundations, education, scientific and research and innovation organisations to submit Project proposals for organisation of conferences and other events contributing to the promotion and popularisation of electronic communications and information and communication technologies, in order to participate in the Programme of support.

The proposed projects should refer to the organisation of conferences and other events contributing to the promotion and popularisation of electronic communications and information and communication technologies. The events must contribute to the information of the expert and general public on the progress and achievements in these fields, to cover the topics of importance for their development, and to provide support in exchange of knowledge and experience among the experts in this field.

Project selected by the Programme of support will be funded in the amount of 50% of the total costs from the funds allocated from the budget of the Republic of Serbia for 2016.

The maximal amount of grants which can be allocated is dinars (in letters: two million dinars) per project.

The manner of writing the Project Proposal: Project Proposal should be submitted on a defined forms, in Serbian language, and must be typed on a personal computer. Project Proposal written in handwriting or by typewriter, as well as those not written on the defined form, will not be taken into consideration.

Deadline and the manner of submitting the Project Proposals: the applicant shall be obliged to submit the Project Proposal to the Ministry before October 31, 2016, until 15:30 o’clock. Project Proposal submitted after this deadline will be considered untimely and will not be taken into consideration.

Project Proposal shall be submitted to the Ministry –Sector for Electronic Communications and Postal Services to the address: Belgrade, Nemanjina 22-26, in a closed envelope, only as a registered letter, or via delivery service i.e. by personal delivery.

Defined forms shall be submitted in one original copy stamped by the authorised person, one photocopy and in electronic form on a CD or a DVD.

Full name and address of the sender should be stated on the envelope, the name of the Project Proposal and the following text: FOR PUBLIC CALL – DO NOT OPEN.

Other rules of Public calls, forms, instructions and additional information for applicants of Project Proposals can be found within the following documents:

Анекс 1_Смернице за подносиоце Предлога пројекта
392.2 KB
274 Преузимања

Анекс 2_Упутство за писање Предлога пројекта
234.6 KB
202 Преузимања

Анекс 3_Упутство за израду буџета
448.3 KB
459 Преузимања

Образац 1 - Предлог пројекта
99.8 KB
172 Преузимања

Образац 2 - Табеларни преглед буџета пројекта
84.0 KB
167 Преузимања

Образац 3 - Наративни опис буџета
46.6 KB
172 Преузимања