“Plazma” and “Metalac” awarded Best Serbian Brand of the Decade

“Plazma” and “Metalac” were presented the Best Serbian Brand of the Decade award at the tenth annual awards Best of Serbia, organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications and the gazette “Privredni pregled”.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić presented the award for Best Serbian Brand of the Decade to the representatives of the Bambi Group for their “Plazma” biscuits, at the ceremony held yesterday at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre.
This year, 175 brands participated in the competition for the prestigious award Best of Serbia. Apart from the Best Serbian Brand of the Decade award, 23 more awards were presented last night in various categories.
The winner of the award for Best Exporter was “Fiat Automobiles Serbia” in the large enterprise category, while “Bioenergy Point” received the same award in the SME category.
When it comes to corporate brands, the awards went to: “Bambi Group” (food), “Nectar” (drink), “Hemofarm” (chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and related products), “Alfa Plam” (consumer durables), “Mona” (clothing and footwear), “NIS” (production of goods and business services), “DIS” (large service companies) and “Energoprojekt Entel” (small and medium-sized service enterprises).
In the category of best brand, the best brands are: “Iskon oil” (food), “Jelen beer” (drink), “Merix” (chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and related products), “Metalac” dishes (consumer durables), “Extreme intimo” (clothing and footwear) and “sunflower hybrids Sumo 1 PR” (producer goods and business services).
“Mamma’s Biscuit House” was awarded for (best local brand), “Premia” (best commercial brand) and “Naše zrno”, which was described as the most successful introduction of a new brand.
The Best foreign corporate brand operating in Serbia is “Coca-Cola Hellenic”, and the best introduction of a foreign brand on the Serbian market is “Gazprom Petrol Stations”.
Best public, state or dominant state-owned company is “Telekom Serbia”, and the best brand with a geographic origin is “Futoški” cabbage.