Pindžo: Caterers to apply Throughout the Year

The distribution of vouchers for citizens aiming to stimulate domestic tourism will continue as of 1 January 2016. In addition to the expanded list of beneficiaries, up to 50,000 citizens are expected to make use of the right next year, said Assistant Minister of Trade and Tourism Renata Pindžo.

Speaking for the Tanjug news agency she said this year’s pilot project of stimulating the development of domestic tourism by distributing vouchers, lasting only three months, was proven to be very successful, with over 14,000 vouchers distributed and 118,000 overnight stays achieved.

The average length of stay for citizens was eight and a half nights, with five being the minimum to reserve a voucher.
On 15 December a call was issued to those caterers wishing to voluntarily join this activity, with 244 caterers participating this year.

“We believe interest will be even greater in 2016, having in mind that the vouchers will be usable throughout the year”, said Pindžo.

Pindžo: Caterers to apply Throughout the Year

The first list will be published on 31 December, thus interested citizens will be able to apply as of 1 January.

She said that because this is the first time since 2007 that an increase is noted in the number of domestic tourists in Serbia, by approximately 12.5 percent, this represented an indicator that the 2015 project should start implementation with full capacity as of 1 January 2016.

Pindžo reminded that the list of beneficiaries was envisaged to be expanded in 2016 to foreign pensioners, i.e. our citizens receiving foreign pensions, as well as to bearers of registered agricultural households.

The conditions for awarding vouchers are the same – that the income achieved monthly does not exceed 60,000 dinars and a minimum five-day reservation in a hotel.

“Next year we will once again implement the activity with the assistance of “Post of Serbia”, and citizens will be able to submit their request at 4,000 counters across the country and receive their vouchers within the agreed timeframe”, said Pindžo.
The citizens should choose their destination one month in advance in order to make the reservation and avoid overbookings at the hotel, thus leaving them without their spot.

“It is realistic to expect three and a half times more tourists this year, and up to 50,000 vouchers will be usable in 2016”, said the Assistant Minister.

In addition to a registered 12.5 percent increase in domestic guests, an increase in foreigners visiting Serbia was also noted during the last seven or eight years – also by 12 percent.

The number of overnight stays also increased by nine percent, along with foreign exchange inflow from tourism, noted Pindžo.

Reminding that Serbia is ranked among the top 10 destinations, and other than its natural beauty and cultural and historic content, it is well known for hospitality, she told Tanjug it is also important that Belgrade, as a capital, is also positioned as a serious congress centre.

All of this influences and contributes to the popularization of Serbia as a tourist destination, and we should not forget the catering offer, gastronomical, and so much more that places Belgrade and Serbia among the most attractive European destinations”, said Pindžo.

She announced that a new pilot project will be implemented in 2016, in regards to stimulating domestic tourist agencies, travel organizers, to receive organized groups of foreign tourists.

“We believe organized arrivals by foreigners will be more significant next year and this will be reflected in state and private sector income through services provided”, she told the Tanjug Agency.

Reflecting on the Law on Tourism, i.e. the amendments that came into force in October this year, Pindžo said it brought some important changes, particularly in regards to the regulation and transformation of local tourist organizations regarding activities and residence fees.

For the first time the conditions were prescribed for managers of organizations, aiming to professionalize this activity.
“Without an adequate tourist infrastructure in regards to staff, it is difficult to expect improvements in the field of tourism”, said Pindžo.

The goal of the amendments is, as she said, rooting out the grey zone that, she says, also exists to a significant extent in catering and tourism. Improved inspection supervision is envisaged, entrusted to a greater extent to local self-government units.

The Ministry of Tourism will also support infrastructural projects during next year, important for the development of tourism, such as the project of the construction of a pier on Danube, or the revitalization of the Golubački grad fortress, with the budget envisaging 640 million dinars for this purpose.

“We will also support promotions, there will be credit support for small and medium enterprises and agricultural households intending to improve the quality of their catering offer”, said the Assistant Minister for Tourism.

Pindžo announced that the International Tourism Fair will be held in Belgrade between 18 and 21 February.

At the same time, the Wine Fair, Souvenir Fair and Hotel and Restaurant Equipment Fair will be held.

The partner country will be the Republic of Slovenia, and even more visitors are expected in 2016 than this year.

Citizens will be able to apply for vouchers at the fair, since a post office counter will be set up in order to enable them to directly submit requests.