Notification on a tender for financing public interest programs in the area of consumer protection for 2014

The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is publishing a valuation and ranking list for a tender for financing public interest programs in the area of consumer protection for the year 2014 with the theme: Providing legal aid to consumers by counselling and acting upon consumer claims.

As a result of the tender, nine applications with proposed programs were submitted.

The commission for conducting the tender for financing public interest programs in the area of consumer protection for 2014 with the theme: Providing legal aid to consumers by counselling and acting upon consumer claims (hereinafter: the Commission) has evaluated whether the applicants have fulfilled the participation requirements and determined that all nine proposed programs arrived in due time and that they fulfill the requirements for consideration in the Tender which means that the applicants have the status of a registered association and that they have delivered full documentation in the manner specified in the text of the Tender.

The Commission determined that the following applications were submitted: for the Belgrade region (three applications), for Šumadija and Western Serbia region (two applications), for the Vojvodina region (three applications), and for Southern and Eastern Serbia region (one application).

Upon evaluation of the proposed projects, the Commission created a

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Until Thursday, May 22, 15:30 PM, the tender participants have the right to:

1)   access the submitted applications and the delivered documentation;

2)   object to the Valuation and ranking list.

The objections are submitted to the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications clerk’s office, Consumer protection department, Nemanjina Street 22-26, 11000 Belgrade and to the following e-mail address:

Objections arriving at the Ministry after the expiration of the specified period will be considered untimely and will not be taken into consideration.