Nikcevic: Great potential to increase exports to South Korea

State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications Stevan Nikčević said after meeting with South Korean importers association (KOIMA) that have discussed the ways to foreign trade between Korea and Serbia, which is slightly less than the $ 200 million upgrade in favour of Serbian exports.

For years, our cooperation is at a good level, but with a deficit on the Serbian side, which is very large and KOIMA wanted to look at ways to increase the export of Serbian companies in Korea, he said.

Nikčević said that the sectors of the electronic industry, IT industry and agriculture are particular interest for cooperation and promotion of Serbian exports.
Bearing in mind that these are two distant economies, we have tried to get closer to Serbia as an investment destination through positive experiences of Jura Company and other companies, as well as to attract other Korean companies in Serbia, “said Nikčević.

State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Aleksandar Ljubic, said that today’s meeting shows that the distance between the two countries does not mean anything if there is no understanding between entrepreneurs.

As the biggest goal of the government is reducing unemployment and creating jobs, today’s meeting with a delegation from South Korea is the chance that good experience of investors from that country, such as the Jura, helps our companies to find markets in distant Korea with nearly 50 million people, said Ljubic.

According to him, the important fact is that Korea, as one of the major economies, annually imports nearly $ 550 billion of goods, which is a great opportunity for Serbian companies with the quality and variety of products find market in that country.

President of KOIMA Son That June, said that the main goal of his visit to Serbia to improve trade between the two countries, which has not been so great until now.

We want to take the opportunity to find new business partners and we want to import more high-quality merchandise, he said.

As he said, South Korea is expected to find an opportunity for direct investment in Serbia.

Director of the Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) Bozidar Laganin, said that more than 50 Serbian companies have presented their products to Korean importers.

He pointed out that the highly successful investment Jura, with nearly 5,000 employees and a turnover of 125 million Euros per year, is an example of good practice and the type of bait South Korea companies that are considering establishing operations in Serbia.

There is a huge potential for increased exports from Serbia to South Korea, especially food exports, given that the Asian country one of the world’s largest economy, was assessed after a meeting of businessmen of the two countries.