Mr Savić: Use of IT for a better life quality of citizens

Assistant Minister for information society Savo Savić and State Secretary in the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government Ivan Bošnjak, have participated today in the 18th e-Government IS DOS conference in the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade.
Mr Savić has reminded that 20 years ago we talked about the information systems of state bodies of the Republic of Serbia (IS DOS) and today we are talking about the eGovernment, mGovernance, Smart Government and on Smart City solutions.
“The objective is to put the ICT into service to development of economy and better life quality of the largest number of our citizens”, says Mr Savić.
Mr Savić has stressed that the objective of the Republic of Serbia is to have a faster creation of optical capacities along the important traffic directions, where it’s missing i.e. in urban areas where it hasn’t been developed yet.
“I am using the opportunity to stress the importance of the basic infrastructure and already massively available and used 4G network, development of the broadband and available fast internet according to the model “optics to every threshold”, and the development of e-business and computer literacy, and the basis for development of the services of Smart Cities and smart services which will ensure better life quality to all citizens, including those not using the ICT”, Assistant Minister has stressed.

Mr Savić has reminded that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications has recently signed the contract on strategic partnership with the Chinese company “Huawei” which will make every citizen have the access to the Internet of 30 megabit per second and the internet speed f 100mbps for at least 50 per cent of households in Serbia.

The conference hosted a panel discussion on strengthening the staff capacities and education of IT experts in Serbia, where Mr Savić stressed that through the implementation of the Proposal of Priority Objectives and Activities of all bodies of state administration and services of the Government for improving the IT sector of Serbia we work on developing the Serbian IT industry, and developing of e-Business and internet economy with the aim to integrate into a single digital market of the EU and digital economy of the world.
Assistant Minister has stressed the significance Proposal of Priority Objectives and Activities of all bodies of state administration and services of the Government for improving the IT sector of Serbia adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia at the proposal of the Ministerial IT Council and which defines capacity building in the IT industry and training of IT staff which are evidently missing in our country, and the re-training in the informal education.

Mr Savić has stressed that according to this Proposal for improving the IT sector, Serbia , in the upcoming five years, should increase the annual net export of IT sector from current 400 million to 1.5 billion euros and added that this was one of the most important priorities in the years to come.
“Improving the regulatory frame and adoption of the law will make the business environment more favourable for a change of the Information technologies and new solutions”, says Mr Savić, adding that in the implementation of the Law on the Information Safety is ongoing, by which as he has stressed, we would like to make the digital world around us safer and build trust of the citizens, in particular those youngest in the ICT.

Mr Savić has mentioned that the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services and Broadband will ensure a fast development of the broadband Internet, while the adoption of the Law on Electornic Signature, which is being developed, will ensure not only a linear digitalisation and a transition from paper to e-documents, but also a digital transformation of business and a change of the way of operations.

“Technology is ahead of the manner of work and ahead of the regulatory frame”, Mr Savić has concluded.
Assistant Minister has stressed that the users today have the possibility to finish those tasks they used to finish at the counters of the institutions, much faster, in a more simple way and at one place, from home or from their mobile phone.

Mr Savić has said that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and Microsoft company, has initiated the introduction of wireless Wi-Fi network in schools in rural areas in Serbia. in addition to the fast Wi-Fi network to be used for free, Mr Savić has stressed that 40 primary and secondary schools will get a high level of safety and control of use of the contents on the Internet through the relevant portal, at the same time with the Telekom Srbija we are working on connecting 1.600 central primary and secondary schools to the Internet.
IS DOS COnferente, organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, has the aim to improve the communication of the Government and local government with the research organisations and companies dealing with the creation of solutions for government system.