Mr Ljajić: Workers of “Agrokor” firms in Serbia are safe

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has stated early today that there are no indicators that some of 11.000 workers of firms owned by the concern “Agrokor” in Serbia could lose their jobs.

In the interview given to the “Deuthche Welle” Mr Ljajić explained that the recent visit to Belgrade paid by the trustees of the Croatian Government for “Agrokor” Ante Ramljak was a part of regular meetings and that the visit wasn’t directly connected to the latest developments in that country.

It is the communication we make with the new management of “Agrokor”. We are interested in the stabilisation of that concern since there are 11.000 people in Serbia workin in “Merkator”, “Dijamant”, “Frikom” and other three companies owned by “Agrokor”, as he stated.

Serbian Government, as he has said, is interested in the destiny of its employees, but also in the realisation of liabilities towards the suppliers, which number in our country is more than 600.

Speaking of the debts towards the workers, supplier, and the government, Mr Ljajić has underlined the fact that the liabilities towards the government are realised, as well as towards small suppliers, while with big suppliers, special agreements are made.

He has also explained that Croatian “Leks Agrokor” has nothing to do with Serbia but that the firms operating in Serbia should comply with our laws.

The Government had enough instruments and mechanism in the existing regulatory framework to ensure that “Agrokor” firms have fully free operation in accordance with all trade principles, but to prevent the drain of financial funds from Serbia for the realisation of the liabilities of “Agrokor” in Croatia or Slovenia, says Mr Ljajić.

According to his words, our country is not considering making the firms owned b “Agrokor” in Serbia state-owner, since this is not possible.