Mr Knežević has opened the Tourism Fair in Kraljevo

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Miroslav Knežević has opened today the first Fair of Tourism, Hunting, Fishing, and Sport Equipment in Kraljevo, where he announced that the establishment of this fair is a good opportunity to make Kraljevo present its offer to the market of tourism.

He has said that he believes this fair will become a meeting point for the representatives of the touristic sector from the region, and contribute to a higher affirmation of touristic products of Kraljevo and its region.

Mr Knežević has opened the Tourism Fair in Kraljevo

Mr Knežević has stated that the Strategy for Development of Tourism of the Republic of Serbia 2016-2025 recognises Kraljevo region as one of the priority touristic destinations, adding that the “city on the Ibar” can offer many natural and cultural landmarks of great importance, which makes the rich touristic offer of Serbia even richer.

State Secretary has underlined that some touristic products are still to be developed and improved, and the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications will keep supporting the development of the touristic sector in this area.

He has emphasized that the line Ministry invested 14 million RSD in the period 2015-2017 for the touristic signalisation, and development of access and pedestrian lanes towards the Maglič Fortress, and the 6 million RSD have been allocated for organisation of traditional, cultural, and sport events in Kraljevo.