Matić at IDC Predictions Conference: Digital Transformation in Education and Economy Key for Social Development

“The main priority of the Republic of Serbia in the field of ICT is stimulating the development of electronic communication and the use of new technologies and services. Our main goals are accelerating the development of broadband internet, supporting the development of e-governance, the scientific community, as well as small and medium enterprises, improving e-commerce, and continue working on ICT projects in education”, said State Secretary Tatjana Matić at the “IDC Predictions” conference held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade.

Matić at IDC Predictions Conference: Digital Transformation in Education and Economy Key for Social Development

She reminded that the Ministry has initiated the project of connecting primary and secondary schools to the Academic Network of the Republic of Serbia, thereby providing infrastructure for the development of information literacy in children and youth, and that programmes are under way implementing student and teacher education in the field of information-communication technologies.

She emphasized that another important segment in the process of the digital transformation of society and the economy is broadband development, envisaged by the forthcoming economic reform programme in the Republic of Serbia 2016-2018.

“The strategy of the Government is to provide greater competition in the market, more efficient governance, and to promote investments into broadband infrastructure in remote and underdeveloped areas. Broadband development is a great opportunity to accelerate economic progress, i.e. to continue stimulating economic growth through new services and openness for investments in electronic communications”, said Mrs. Matić.

Matić at IDC Predictions Conference: Digital Transformation in Education and Economy Key for Social Development

Responding to a panellist question regarding the level Serbia has attained in the digital transformation process and the main incentives for development, the State Secretary said: “Digital transformation is not as rapid a process as we wanted it to be, due to the financial challenges we face. We, in the administration, are working hard to harmonize our legislation with the EU as soon as possible. Currently, our Ministry is preparing a draft law on electronic communications, we are carefully monitoring new trends in the EU, primarily the development and introduction of a unified digital market providing better online access to goods and services. One of the instruments for the development of a competitive market in the Republic of Serbia is transition towards a knowledge, research and development based economy. Increasing investments into research and development and improving the quality of the educational system are of key importance. This way, our country is stimulating digital transformation.”

“Finally, I would like to emphasize that the participation of the private sector in the decision-making process in the field of telecommunications is of great importance for the overall development of the Republic of Serbia”, concluded State Secretary Tatjana Matić.

The opening of the event organized by IDC, one of the leading global companies in the field of information technologies, telecommunications and consumer technology markets, was also attended by the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Serbia, Kyle Scott.