Lаzаrеvić: The presence of major international telecommunications companies on the domestic market is of great significance

The State Secretary for telecommunications, information society and postal services, Stefan Lаzаrеvić, together with the mayor of Subotica Modest Dulić and Ove Fredheim, the Chief Executive Officer of Telenor Serbia, opened the first Contact Center which will provide telephone support to the users of Telenor services at a single place for users from two countries – Serbia and Hungary.

Telecommunications are one of the most dynamic economy branches in Serbia, and they have a great influence on development and economic growth with a 5.5% share in the gross domestic product of Serbia, noted Lаzаrеvić. Telenor’s decision to expand its business which includes users from two countries should serve as an invitation to other companies to invest in our country. “By constant investments and through the expansion of its network and the services that it provides, Telenor, one of the world’s largest operators, is showing that it trusts the Republic of Serbia and that there are numerous business possibilities in it”, stated Lаzаrеvić in his address at the ceremonial event.

The Center currently employs 30 people from both Serbian- and Hungarian-speaking areas, who make up a well-tuned team of agents ready to answers customers’ calls and, at the same time, meeting the high service provision criteria.