Joint work to overcome the negative effects the mass tourism has on environment

Assistant Minister for Tourism Ms Renata Pindžo has said today in the seminar for managers of protected areas that stakeholders from the sector of tourism and environment have to work together at all levels to overcome the overall negative effect the mass tourism has on the environment.

In the seminar “Placement of development of protected areas in the function of tourism” held at the Stara Planina, on October 4-5, Ms Pindžo has reminded that tourism as a world phenomenon and one of the most important activities of modern society has had various positive results in recent years, and that according to the forecast of the World Tourism Organisation 1.8 billion tourists will be travelling around the world by 2030.

“As one of numerous trends in tourism, ecotourism is in its expansion as a function of sustainable development. Having particularly in mind the fact that some forms of tourism are reflections of the new values related to the importance of outdoor activities, time spent in clean and unpolluted environment and raising the awareness of the environmental issues”, she has stated.

The seminar is the eights one organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, PE Srbijašume and the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia.