IT Caravan leaving Novi Pazar

The IT Caravan, the campaign for smart and safe use of new technologies, of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications started in Novi Pazar.
More than 200 pupils of 5th and 6th grade of primary schools “Bratstvo” and “Stefan Nemanja”, attended the interactive presentation on advantages and dangers of use of new technologies. On the behalf of the city of Novi Pazar the audience was greeted by Dr Rifan Redžović, a member of the cabinet office of the Mayor in charge of education.

Using the opportunity, representatives of the schools, principal of PS “Bratstvo” Dejan Kulundžić and teachers of PS “Stefan Nemanja” Selma Seifović, were given educational sets of robots, presents by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.

ИТ караван кренуо из Новог Пазара

Educational program was coordinated by actor and musician Bojan Ivković, and psychologist and expert for digital communication Ana Mirković, who demonstrated a safer use of the Internet to the pupils as well as a safe use of the information and communication technologies in education. Following the presentations, representatives of the Edulab Organisation had a workshop on robotics for children.

The pupils were demonstrated a short film on online safety, which is a part of the project by a non-government organisation “Forum 10” from Novi Pazar, supported at the Public Competition for programmes of non-government organisations for development of the information society of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.

“IT Caravan” is a mobile platform promoting the advantages and dangers of the information technologies within the program for development of the information society, realised by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications under the slogan “Smart and Safe”.

The first IT Caravan in 2016, was realised in 15 cities, when the presentations were attended by over 5000 primary school children. This year’s cycles intends to visit 13 cities: Novi Pazar, Pirot, Niš, Zaječar, Kraljevo, Užice, Čačak, Valjevo, Kragujevac, Subotica, Novi Sad, Pančevo and Sombor.

This year’s partners of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications on the project are the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Interior, Save the Children Organisation for North West Balkans and company Microsoft.