Iran abolished visa for Serbia

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić has met early today with the delegation of the Iranian Parliament, led by the President of the parliamentary group of friendship of Iran and Serbia Parvane Salashuri. Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić has used the opportunity to discuss with the Iranian MPs about the improvement of the overall relations of the two countries, and the cooperation in the field of tourism.

President of the parliamentary group of friendship of the two countries Parvane Salashuri has told Mr Ljajić that Iranian Government has made the decision on abolishing visas for Serbian citizens, which is to enter into force soon.

Mr Ljajić and Mrs Salashuri agreed that in November in Belgrade there will be a big meeting of Serbian and Iranian tour operators, the result of which will be a strong increase of the touristic turnover of the two countries.

Since the Tourism Organisation of Serbia has classified Iran among eight most significant touristic eminent markets for the next year, our country will be visited also by press teams from the largest media in Tehran, with the aim to present Serbian touristic potentials to the Iranian public.

Deputy Prime Minister Ljajić as expressed his interest in opening a touristic office of Serbia in Iran, and Mrs Salashuri has mentioned that the obligation and coverage of costs of such an office could be borne one of the largest Iranian travel agencies.