Inclusion of Girls in the World of ICT and Entrepreneurship

“The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications is animating and motivating girls and young women to opt for education in the field of new technologies and to select an occupation in the sector with the highest number of available jobs. More than 3000 experts in the field of information-communication technologies are employed annually in Serbia, and more than 100 programming jobs are available at all times”, noted State Secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić in her opening address at the roundtable “Inclusion of Girls in the World of ICT and Entrepreneurship”.

The roundtable regarding the project “Telenor Girls Day” was organized by the Association of Businesswomen in Serbia and Telenor Foundation, presenting awards to girls responding to the call for the best video clip on the subject “Catch an Idea”, with a screening of the best works.

Inclusion of Girls in the World of ICT and Entrepreneurship

“Watching the video clips sent in by the girls, I was impressed by their imagination. Young girls not only have excellent ideas on how to design their daily life, how to achieve better results in studies or how to earn pocket money, they also know how to express these ideas using new technologies. Although still at the beginning of their life journey, they already know how to achieve their goals and publish this to the world”, said Tatjana Matić.

“As part of the initiative we recently started, entitled ‘Smart and Safe’ and implemented primarily through the IT Caravan project visiting schools and towns across Serbia and organizing educational presentations on the advantages and hazards of the internet, we are promoting projects related precisely to the greater inclusion of girls and women in new technologies. Under one of these programmes, jointly entitled IT Ladies, we will celebrate the international Girls in ICT Day in one week, on 28 April”, noted the State Secretary.

The roundtable was also attended by Ingeborg Øfsthus, Chief Executive Officer of Telenor, Sanja Popović Pantić, President of the Association of Businesswomen in Serbia and other successful women from the world of business and ICT.