Improving the regulation on e-Business

The Bill on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions has been adopted.

In today’s session of the Government, the Bill on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions has been adopted, which ensures that electronic documents are recognised as those in paper, but in different levels of identification of natural and legal entities.

E-Business excludes going to the counter and by that is saves time and material resources.

The Law significantly improves and promotes e-Business wince it ensures a faster and more efficient business, reduces the operation costs of economic entities, public administration bodies and the citizens. It will contribute to the modernisation and more efficient operation of the public administration bodies, but also it will facilitate and provide a safer access to services of those bodies and other entities providing electronic services.

The Law regulated electronic signature, electronic seals or time stamping, electronic delivery and electronic storage of data, which ensures a simpler and cheaper use of qualified electronic certificates, document exchange in electronic form and destruction of paper documentation when the service of qualified electronic storage is ensured.

The Bill introduces the service of electronic signature “in cloud”, which means that using a mobile phone the users can make an electronic signature. In this way it will contribute to a significantly higher use of electronic signature which is more practical that the existing solutions.

Mentioned trust services will influence the increase of e-business, e-transactions and ensure electronic communication between the public bodies and parties.

With the adoption of this law we create the foundation for establishing a modern e-Governance in the Republic of Serbia, which will provide our citizens and economy with faster and more efficient services and a simples communication with public bodies from home and via mobile phones.