Improving overall relations with Indonesia

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic spoke today with a delegation of the People’s Representative Council of Indonesia, led by its Speaker Marzuki Alie.

Ljajic and Alie talked about the improvement of overall political and economic relations and the possibilities for increasing the volume of investments and trade between Serbia and Indonesia.

During the talks it was agreed that there is great space for the arrival of investors from Indonesia, which is confirmed by the scheduled visit of representatives of the Indonesian State Investment Fund (BKPM), who will identify opportunities for new investments in the Serbian economy together with representatives of relevant institutions of our country in late June in Belgrade.

Alie underlined that Indonesia will not change its stance regarding Kosovo- Metohija and that his country fully supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.

He added that excellent political relations between the two countries open up prospects for a more substantial economic cooperation and invited construction companies from Serbia to take part in the implementation of the Master Plan for development of the Indonesian economy, which envisages the construction of six major road corridors on the largest islands of the country.