Fair of Tourism in Belgrade, 23-26 February

Assistant Minister for Tourism Renata Pindžo has said that this year, for the first time at the International Fair of Tourism in Belgrade, China and Russia will directly present their tourism potentials, which is highly significant since Serbia and the entire region will thus increase its visibility in the world.

She has pointed out that the fair is a significant place where tourism operators can upgrade their business contacts.

Ms Pindžo has added that last year, when we had 2.75 million arrivals, was a record year for Serbian tourism and that in November 2016, that economic sector earned as much as in entire 2015.

She has said that this year the promotion work for tourism will be continued, as well as the entire touristic offers in Serbia, adding that the action of granting vouchers for holidays in Serbia is successfully realised this year as well, and that from the beginning of the year the number of applications for vouchers has increased by 58% compared to last year.

Ms Pindžo has expressed the expectation that the number of people visiting this year’s Fair of Tourism will be significantly greater than the one from the last year, which was 72.000 people.

Director of the Tourism Organisation of Montenegro, Željka Radak Kukavičić has said that tourism is the most important economic activity in that country and that it can offer a lot of interesting things to the tourists.

Director of the Tourism Organisation of Serbia (TOS) Marija Labović has said that in the Fair of Tourism Serbia will also present its nature beauties, touristic potentials, sights and variety of contents for holidays, health tourism, fun, sport and recreation.

She has said that the TOS will present the touristic offer of Serbia through a film “52 weekends in Serbia”, carrying a message that everyone is welcome to Serbia, and a mobile app Audio guide through Serbia will be presented as well as a brochure of 52 flavours of Serbia and an Catalogue of village touristic households.

In the period from 23 to 26 of February, the 39th International Fair of Tourism will take place at the Belgrade Fair, with 1.100 presenters from 56 countries.

As announced in the four-day event, the most important travel agencies, associations and organisations, tourism centres, hotels, mountains, spas, lakes, cities, regions, airway companies and international tour-operators will be presenting themselves.

The slogan of this year’s Fair of Tourism, as the largest touristic event in the country and in the SEE region, is “Enjoy on time”, and the partner country is Montenegro.

At the same time at the Fair of Tourism, at the Belgrade Fair, three events are going to take place – 13th International Fair of Hotel and Hospitality Equipment HORECA, 8th Fair of Wine BeoWine and 13th Fair of Souvenirs “Visit Serbia”.