Excellent cooperation between Serbia and Slovenia go to a higher level

Serbia and Slovenia achieve great economic cooperation, which provides a high risk of joint projects in various fields; it was still the fourth session of the Joint Commission for Economic Cooperation, held in Belgrade.

There was talk of enhancing cooperation in the fields of energy, environment, mining, tourism, agriculture, transport and information and communication technology. Identify mechanisms are to expedite the process of establishing a joint venture to manage rail traffic between Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, said State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications, Stevan Nikčević.

He pointed out that the formation of the joint venture Cargo 10 which has agreed earlier at interstate level, and the goal is to increase and speed up rail cargo transport. “We expect engagement and on major foreign joint investments such as South Stream, which will pass through Slovenia” said Nikčević to reporters after the hearing committee.

He said that Slovenia was one of the most important trade partners of Serbia, and among the top ten, and that is one of the largest investors in the country, which since 2000 has direct investments in Serbia more than a billion Euros.

Nikčević has stressed that successful examples of privatization of enterprises in Serbia, conducted by Slovenian companies, bring significant experience, particularly in terms of engaging quality management especially in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Director of the Directorate for Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Stanislav Rascan said that economic relations are a consequence of the very good relationships at the highest state level, and the interest of both countries to deepen the traditionally good relations.

“Serbia is an important economic partner of Slovenia, the value of trade between the two countries last year was more than one billion Euros. On the other hand, Slovenia’s largest recipient of FDI is Serbia with 1.48 billion Euros, while Slovenian companies in Serbia, employing approximately 35,000 people,” said Rascan. He added that Serbia and Slovenia have a mutual interest in stability in the region, which is associated with a European perspective, and that Slovenia will continue to support Serbia on its path to the EU.