Enhancing cooperation with the Republika Srpska in the fields of trade and tourism

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić said after a meeting with the Minister of Trade and Tourism of the Republika Srpska Predrag Gluhaković that the priorities for future joint work in the field of consumer protection and competition, as well as in the field of commodity reserves will be defined in the next two months.

The way Serbia and the Republika Srpska can create a joint tourism product was discussed at a meeting held in the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade.

Унапређење сарадње са Републиком Српском у области трговине и туризма

“Within two months, we are going to set up regular meetings to discuss what was done regarding the topics that were defined as important and a priority for both ministries,” said Ljajić.

He recalled that the two ministries have signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of trade, as well as a separate agreement on cooperation in the field of tourism, so the goal of the meeting was to discuss how to put these arrangements into effect in both fields.

He stressed that Serbia, the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina are small individual markets; therefore they have to unite their capacities with all the countries in the region in order to attract investment, as well as a large number of foreign tourists.

“It is a key matter for both ministries. We have something to offer, but we have to be more creative and more operational, and to use the existing resources in practice,” concluded Ljajić.