Digital entrepreneurship as a key to development of digital economy

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunication Tatjana Matić has said that digital entrepreneurship is the key to the development of digital economy which has been recognised in the strategic documents of the European Union in the field.

At the opening of the conference “Digital Economy”, in the Mixer House, in Belgrade, she has reminded that the support to digital entrepreneurship is also in the focus of the Strategy for development of information technologies, prepared by the Ministry in consultations with the representatives of the IT economic sector and the IT community, reminding that the Strategy was adopted by Serbian Government on November 17.

Digital entrepreneurship as a key to development of digital economy

“Adoption of this Strategy is another confirmation of the course of the Government’s new programme, presented in the expose of the PM Aleksandar Vučić, as a support to the IT sector and to introduction of technological innovations in other economic sectors”, Ms Matić has stated, adding that the Action Plan for developing the IT industry is being developed.

She has said that there are strategically four priorities: development of successful firms and products in the field of information technology, advancement of the administrative environment suitable for development of the IT industry, strengthening of staff potentials and modernisation of operations in all economic sectors by using the IT.

“Faster transition to the digital economy will be contributed by the new Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services. Draft Law we have prepared as the line Ministry, is in the procedure, and we expect it to be adopted soon”, State Secretary has announced, adding that for the field of electronic business the Law on Information Security is also very important, as well as the regulations of the law also adopted by Serbian Government on November 17.

Conference “Digital Economy”, organised by Confindustria Serbia and ICT HUB, with the support of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, was held under the slogan: “Discover the ways to introduce innovation in your business”, with the aim to have an insight into the transition of Serbia to digital economy from the perspective of traditional companies, IT companies and technological star-ups and the government and try to provide solutions by the experts how to best prepare for the Fourth industrial revolution.