Development of staff potentials to support the IT industry

“One of the main measures to improve the IT industry is to develop the staff potentials which will result in an increased number of jobs and meeting the existing needs in industry for the IT experts”, says State Secretary of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Ms Tatjana Matić, as a guest in the morning show of the Happy TV.

“Establishment of additional IT staff capacities we undertake with the systematic support to formal education and creation of conditions for the introduction of information science and programing as an obligatory subject. We think that the key staff measure at the moment is retraining in the IT sector, since it provides fast solutions for fulfilling the vacant jobs in this field. In order to respond to these market needs as soon as possible we have initiated, within this informal education programme the projects of IT training for women, along with other initiatives for larger involvement of girls and women in the IT, and we also plan to realise the comprehensive programme which will ensure that a larger part of the population will acquire the IT competences”, says Ms Tatjana Matić.

She has reminded that the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications in the Draft Strategy for Support to IT Industry Development has also defined measures of financial support for the IT entrepreneurship and start-up projects through grants and the support to technological start-up ecosystems, and tax loans for the investment in research and development, the support to exporters and the development of the business model ensured by information technologies in various sectors of economy.