Contemporary methodology in teaching IT science

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić has said to the press in the Gallery of the Museum of Science and Technology that an institutional support has been given to the cooperation with the civil sector, in order to realise the teaching of the new, compulsory subject of IT science in the fifth grade of primary schools in an adequate and efficient manner.

Contemporary methodology in teaching IT science

Presenting the initiative “Code!”, consisted of the projects “Visual coding for primary school pupils” and “Coding for primary school pupils”, Ms Matić has stressed that the projects are supported by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, primarily with the aim to make the teachers have the contemporary methodology in this field.

“Introduction of the IT science as a compulsory subject for pupils of higher grades of primary school, is only one step towards a contemporary education. The curriculum for the pupils of the fifth grade should be in line with the modern methodology developing algorithmic thinking in the youngest. In the same manner, that curriculum should be available to everyone – not only for teacher, pupils of the fifth grade and their parents, but also all primary school pupils, and secondary school pupils, students, all the young who are not familiar with the basics of coding, and to make the wide public interested”, says State Secretary, stressing that these projects give a special contribution to the priority fields in the programme of Serbian Government – education and development of a digital society.

Contemporary methodology in teaching IT science

Projects “Visual coding for primary school pupils” for the fifth grade of primary school and “Coding for primary school pupils” for the sixth grade, realised by Moodle Network of Serbia and IT Science Association of Serbia, cover the preparation, creation and promotion of digital manuals and exercises for work in visual program language – Scratch and in the textual program language – Piton, and Moodle course for teachers.

The Initiative “Code!” is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, and “Petlja” Association.