Conference on the closure of campaign „IT Caravan 02“

State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Tatjana Matić will give a speech at the press conference regarding the closure of this year’s campaign for online safety of children “IT Caravan 02”, on Friday, June 2, at 10 o’clock, at the Press centre of the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS), Knez Mihailova 6/III.

The conference will be participated by the Chief Police Inspector of the Department of Fight against High-Tech Crime of the Ministry of Interior Tatjana Đurašković and the Advisor for information and communication technologies in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Snežana Marković.

Конференција поводом завршетка кампање

The participants will also be the director of the Sector for users from the public and commercial segment of company Microsoft, Nikola Orlić, a representative of organisation Save the Children for North-West Balkans Vasilije Ljubinković and founder of “Tijana Jurić” Foundation, Igor Jurić.

The audience will be addressed by the host of the presentation of campaign “IT Caravan 02” – psychologist and expert for digital communications Ana Mirković and an actor and musician Bojan Ivković, as well as the leader of the team of experts for robots of the “IT Caravan 02” and president of the “Edulab” Alen Piljak.

The topic of the conference are the results of the campaign “IT Caravan 02” of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, significance of education and prevention in protecting children on the Internet, and the discussion will also include the media campaign for online safety of children “Digitally smart – digitally safe”, to be presented by the editor in chief responsible for school program of RTS Nevena Mladenović-Blagojević.