Communal Inspectors Training

Regarding the performance of entrusted tasks in line with the Law on Trade, by the local self-government units, the Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications, Sector for Market Inspection has organised trainings for communal inspectors who applied for taking the special professional exam for a market inspector. The trainings were held on trade outside the retail facility, except from the distance trade, posting the business name and posting and respecting the working time, i.e. activities to be performed by market inspectors as entrusted activities, power and liabilities they will have in line with this law.

In the course of the training, they learnt about the manner and the procedure of the exam itself, which is a necessary requirement for performance of the mentioned activities, to be taken before the examination committee of the Ministry.

So far, the trainings have been conducted in Kragujevac, Novi Sad, and Požarevac, where all communal inspectors participated from local self-governments, both those applying and those yet to apply for taking the exam, and those who have already passed the exam.

Inspectors of local self-governments have demonstrated their huge interest in this type of trainings, they actively participated in the discussion with concrete examples from the practice and talked about their doubts occurring in the process of inspection.