Business and trade centre of Iran in Belgrade in two months

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić met today in separate meetings with the Ambassador of Iran Majid Fahim Pour and the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Lee Dohun, with whom he discussed the promotion of overall economic relations between Serbia and the aforementioned countries.

Ambassador Majid Fahim Pour informed the Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić that the business and trade centre of Iran will be opened in Belgrade in the next two months. Such a centre, said Fahim Pour, will be the head office of the Iranian economy for the entire region of the Balkans and Southeast Europe.

Fahim Pour also conveyed the interest of some representatives of Iran’s financial sector to purchase some of our banks, with a view to establishing payment operations between the two countries and facilitating the operations of businessmen from Iran in Serbia.

During the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajić, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Lee Dohun pointed out that in late September several representatives of tourist agencies will visit Serbia from Korea, in order to learn about the tourist potentials of our country and subsequently include them in their offer.

Lee Dohun and Ljajić talked also about the possibilities of the conclusion of a free trade agreement between the two countries. Serbian Deputy Prime Minister said the expert services of the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications are considering the effects that such an agreement would have on the existing trade exchange between the two countries, and that they will inform the competent authorities in Seoul of their findings.