How to prepare a project proposal

In order to prepare a successful project proposal, it is necessary to get acquainted in details with the current working program, instructions for participants, as well as with the contract form for the award of grant funds. All these documents are available at the European Commission web address, upon launching of the Call for project proposals.

It is necessary for the project proposal to fulfill all formal conditions indicated in the working program: the relevance of the project idea with regard to indicated objectives, adequate type of project, i.e., financing instrument, minimum conditions regarding the number and type of partners, European dimension of the project, etc. Your project idea has to be related to only one of the indicated objectives out of the foreseen topics.

All project proposals are submitted in electronic form, through the EPSS system (Electronic Proposal Submission Service), which is available upon launching of Call for project proposals. Project proposals consist of two forms: part A, which consists of administrative forms, and part B, where the detailed project description is given. It is possible to update the project proposal on a regular basis through this system. Special attention should be paid to the deadlines for the submission, because after the deadline expires, the system is no longer available.

If you have the necessary expertise and experience, you can apply for the base of experts, which European Commission uses for the evaluation of project proposals, and thereby, for assets approval. As an evaluator, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted in details with the evaluation criteria for the project proposals, and to read a number of successful and less successful proposals, which will significantly ease the preparation of your project proposal later on. Get registered as an expert, and join the evaluation and following of the projects.

project database , of the projects which have been approved for the financing through ICT PSP so far, is also available.